Sunday, May 10, 2009

open sterile package

Open sterile package
The purpose of sterile package are to ensure that sterile item remain sterile. Ensure the package is clean and dry, if moist is noted on the inside of plastic-wrapped package or the inside of cloth-wrapped package it is considering contaminated and must be discarded. Cheek the serialization expiration date on the package and look for any indication that it has been previously open.
To open the sterile package, prior to performing the procedure is introduce self and verify the client identity. Explain to the client using the easy word to client understand; discuss how the result will be used in planning further care and the treatment. Then, place the package in the work area so that the top flap of the wrapper opens away from body. Reaching around the package, pinch the first flap on the outside of the wrapper between the thumbs in index finger.
After that, to open the sterile package, must be touching only the outside of the wrapper maintains the sterile of the inside of the wrapper. Pull the flap open, laying it flat on the far surface. Open the fourth flap toward you by grasping the corner that is turn down. Make sure that the flap does not touch any object. If inner surface touches any unsterile article, it is contaminated.
In conclusion, using the sterile package can prevent the wound from the other bacteria at the equipment that used. It can help the wound faster to cure and the right treatment.

empty wound drainage

Empting wound drainage bottle
To empting wound drainage consists of a drain connected to either an electric suction or portable drainage suction, such as a Hemovac or Jackson Pratt. The empting drainage to reduce the possible entry of microorganism into the wound through the drain.The drainage tube are sutured in place and connected to a reservoir. The Jackson Pratt drainage tube is connected to a reservoir that maintains constant low suction.
Firstly, we must check the doctor order and prepare the equipment. Secondly, the equipment for empting wound drainage bottle are meter container, alcohol swab and glove. thirdly, Wear the glove after hand washing, than clamp the drainage tubing, remove the tie at the bottle and clean the top of hemovac using alcohol swab and then press the hemovac and connect it again. After that, Tie the drainage at the bed site and clean the bed and equipment. Lastly, record the colour, amount, time and date.
In my conclusion, the surgeon inserts the wound drainage tube during surgery. Generally the suction is discontinuing d from 3 to 5 days postoperatively or when the drainage is minimal. To reestablish suction, place the container on a solid, flat surface with the port open.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Wound dressing
Wound is a break or disruption the normal integrity of skin and tissue. Wound dressing is the cover over a wound ,to provide physical , psychological and anesthetic comfort. The procedure for wound dressing are ope the first layer of strile pack. Open the second layer of strile pack and start the dressing from inner to outer.

The procedure for wound dressing are open the first layerof strill pack and expose the wound area. After that ,put the linean protector under the wound and loose the micropors. And than, do the surgical hand washing and dry hand.

The another procedore are open the second layer of strile pack. Arrange of fix the instrument in the strile pack. After that open the strile glove and put the normal saline to the galy pot. And then do the second surgical hand washing and dry hand. Wear strile and squeeze the cotton ball and prepare swab. Remove the old dressing .

Lastly, start the dressing from inner to outer ,do until the wound clear and using one cotton ball in one user . after that t cover the wound by the dry garvee. After that coveer the wound by the dry garve and put micropors.and than clean the aquipment
Wound dressing will prevent eli and ontrol infection. It also can prevent wount skin surrounding woundd further injury and protect skin surrounding the wound. It can maintain a moist enviroment and control bleeding. Wound dressing are the therapy to cover the wound.


Removal stitches
Stitches or suture is a thread used to sew body tissue together. Suture used to attach tissue beneath the skin are often made of an absorbable material that disappears in several days. Skin suture, by contrast are made of a variety of non absorbable material, such as silk, cotton, linen, wire, nylon, and Dacron (polyester fiber). The procedure of removal stitches are grasp the suture at the knot with a pair of forceps and pull the suture out in one piece.
The procedure of remove stitches are grasp the suture at the knot with pair of forceps, place the curve tip of the suture scissor under the stitches as close to the skin as possible ,either on the side opposite the knot or directly under the knot, cut the suture. Sutures as close to the skin as possible on one site of the visible part because the suture material that is visible to the eye is in contact with resident bacteria of the skin an must not be pulled beneath the skin during removal. Suture material that is beneath the skin is considered free from bacterial.
Secondly, the procedure are with the forceps, pull the suture out in one pieces. Inspect the suture carefully to make sure that all suture material is removed. Suture material left beneath the skin acts a foreign body an courses inflammation.
In conclusion, the removal stitches can usually make on 7 to 10 days after surgery. That it can be protect the infection.